Standard Email - Microsoft Outlook 2010 Setup

Setting up a Brand New Account
1.    Open up Microsoft Outlook, and go to File >Account Information> Add Account
2.    An ‘Add New Account’ box should appear. Skip down and select ‘manually configure server settings or additional server types’ and click ‘next’.
3.    Another box should appear. Under ‘User Information’ enter your name (first & last), and your new e-mail address (
4.    Under ‘Server Information’ select the Account Type ‘IMAP’. If that is unavailable, POP3 is okay to use.
5.    Both the Incoming & Outgoing Mail Servers should be
6.    Enter your username (your e-mail address) and your password (make sure it’s entered correctly!)
7.    Check the ‘remember password’ box, and click the ‘More Settings’ button on the right.
8.    Go to the ‘Advanced’ tab. If you used IMAP as your incoming mail server, enter the number 993. If you used POP3, enter the number 110.
9.    Make sure your ‘Outgoing Server’ (SMTP) is set to 26.
10.    Go to the ‘Outgoing Server’ tab and check the box next to ‘My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication. Make sure ‘Use same settings as my incoming mail server’ is selected below it.
11.    Click ‘ok’ and then click the ‘Test Account Settings’ button.

Updating an Existing Account
1.    Open up Microsoft Outlook, and go to File >Account Settings >E-mail Accounts and open your e-mail account (you can probably just double click on it)
2.    Make sure your Server Information is either IMAP or POP3.
3.    Incoming & Outgoing mail servers =
4.    Make sure your user name is your e-mail address, and type in your new password.
5.    Now, follow steps 7 – 11 above from the list above.

If for some reason Outlook still does not connect to your webmail, go back into the account settings and make sure your username (e-mail address) and password were entered correctly, and double check all the items on the list (s) above.

If you still can’t get it to work, please give us a call at 828-287-3353 for technical support.

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